XXVII International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
July 05-09, 2021, Moscow
Author's Index
Author: Познахарев Е.С. (Институт оптики атмосферы им. В.Е.Зуева СО РАН, Томск, Россия)
List of reports:
- Belov V.V., Poznakharev E.S., Tarasenkov M.V., Fedosov A.V. , Abramochkin V.N.
Non-coplanar UV bistatic communication systems. Field underwater experiments
- Tarasenkov M.V., Poznakharev E.S., Belov V.V.
Wavelengths in the UV range optimal for atmospheric optical communication on scattered radiation in the daytime and at night
- Poznakharev E.S., Belov V.V., Abramochkin V.N., Fedosov A.V., Tarasenkov M.V.
Experimental estimation of the error probability in the channel of atmospheric optical communication based on scattered radiation in the UV wavelength range in the daytime